
Book Postscript 2018 Tag

The first tag of 2019!

I love doing tags and it’s been a while since I’ve done one, so when Rachel tagged me in her Book Postscript Tag, I was so excited and wanted to do it immediately. It also gives me an opportunity to continue to write end-of-the-year posts, so I am not complaining.

Sidenote: if you’re not following Rachel, then you need to correct that immediately. She writes the best reviews in the universe and is genuinely one of the nicest people I ever met through blogging. And she’s just cool. Go follow her and thank me later.

And now let’s get on with the tag!

1. The Longest Book You Read and the Book That Took You the Longest to Finish

Related imageThe longest book I read this year was Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, coming in at 722 pages. That’s actually one of the shortest longest books I’ve ever had in a year, but that’s because I haven’t read as many Epic Fantasy books as I usually do. I loved American Gods (full review HERE), it’s on my best of the year list and I cannot wait to read more Gaiman.

Image result for the bone clocksThe book that took me the longest to finish was The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. This was definitely one of the worst reading experiences of the year and it shows – it took me 64 DAYS to finish this! It’s such a confusing read and it was not fun, although I wouldn’t say the book itself is bad. It was a weird reading experience and I talk more about it in my review.

2. A Book You Read in 2018 That Was Out of Your Comfort Zone

One of those books was definitely Fruit of the Drunken Tree by Ingrid Rojas Contreras. This very much read like Historical Fiction to me and I really struggle a lot with that. Which is why I would still recommend this one (I think it’s beautifully written) but it just was not for me. Review and more of my thoughts can be found HERE.

Another one is The Innocent Wife by Amy Lloyd which is a Thriller, and I really rarely read those. And again, I did not really like it (more on it HERE), so I think staying in my comfort zone works well for me, since I hadn’t had luck with these books.

3. How Many Books Did You Reread in 2018?


I reread 9 books this year!
Three of those were in order to prepare for the rest of the series: I reread Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo so I can continue on with the series, and I reread Truthwitch and Windwitch by Susan Dennard to prepare for Sightwitch.
Three were Harry Potter rereads, which I do every year: this year I reread the first three books in the illustrated editions.
Finally, I reread The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (because I also do that every year) and I reread The Deal and The Score by Elle Kennedy because I was in a foul mood and needed a Romance novel that was just the right amount of trashy and good. And that they were!

4. Favorite Reread of 2018

Image result for windwitch susan dennardI enjoyed everything I reread, but I think I mostly enjoyed rereading Windwitch since I liked the book so much more this time around (more on that HERE)! It really put everything into perspective and totally altered my meh feelings about the book. I am excited to reread it again soon!

5. A book you read for the first time in 2018 that you look forward to re-reading in the future


I really look forward to rereading Emma Mills’ books and I also I cannot wait to reread some of the stories from A Cathedral of Myth and Bone by Kat Howard in the future. Cannot recommend these books enough!

6.  Favorite single short story or novella that you read in 2018.

This has got to be Once, Future from A Cathedral of Myth and Bone. It’s based on the Arthurian legend and it blew my mind. I am completely and utterly in love with that story and I think it’s beyond clever and that it’s executed flawlessly. You can read more of my thoughts on that one HERE.

7. Mass Appeal: A book you liked and would recommend to a wide variety of readers

Image result for sadie courtney summerSadie by Courtney Summers! I think this book could appeal to so many different readers (and I saw it appealed to so many different readers). It’s so well written, it’s heartbreaking and Sadie is such a fantastic main character, so I think no matter what kind of books you usually enjoy, Sadie will be intriguing for you. More of my thoughts on that one HERE.

8. Specialized Appeal: A book you liked but would be hesitant to recommend to just anyone.

I loved A Cathedral of Myth and Bone but I don’t think that it’s a book for everyone – it’s very metaphorical and thus I think some people would just not be into it. I also think American Gods was fantastic, but it’s really slow and dense and has a really meandering plot, so I think some people would really find it boring and pointless. I loved it however.

9. Reflect on your year as a bookish content creator (goals met, good/bad memories, favorite blog posts you made, etc.)

It’s been a fantastic blogging year and it’s all thanks to you guys! I made so many friends, I introduced new features, I made changes in my layout (because I always do) and I just had a lot of fun. On top of that, my blog is constantly growing and it’s been such a great year.

I have written so many posts that I love this year! So I am gonna do them in categories!

Your favorite post of 2018 – as in the one that had the most views and comments is BY FAR is the So You Want to Start a Bookstagram post on everything you need to know to get started on bookstagram! Thank you so much for loving that one and I am so glad it was helpful to so many of you!

My favorite review – definitely my review for Us Against You! I am super proud of that one and it’s my favorite book of the year, so it all adds up!

My favorite discussion post – Definitely the one I did on problematic faves and diversity outside of canon! That one sparked discussion and I am super proud of it.

Favorite reading list – My Jude St. Francis list! It was I think the first Adult book character I did and it was super challenging but I love how it turned out!

Thank you so much for reading and loving these posts!

10. Tag some fellow bookish content creators

Janel @ Keeper of Pages | Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx | Elise @ The Bookish Actress

No pressure to do this obviously, I just thought it might be fun! Also, if any of you want to do this – consider yourselves tagged by me!

addThank you for a great year and thank you for reading! Let me know in the comments how you would answer some of these questions!



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12 thoughts on “Book Postscript 2018 Tag

  1. Aww you’re the best, thank you for the kind words! I didn’t actually create the tag, just stole it from booktube, but I’m glad so many people are doing it, I love these questions! I’m so intrigued by your complicated relationship with The Bone Clocks, I was watching all those updates on Instagram and I was riveted 😂 The only Mitchell I’ve read is Black Swan Green, which I loved, but which I’ve also been told is not a particularly Mitchell-y book as it’s a kind of traditional bildungsroman and apparently none of his other books are that conventional. So I’m kind of tempted to give The Bone Clocks a try but I’m also scared!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so much fun, thank you for tagging me to do it! THAT BOOK IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. Like I totally don’t know how to explain my feelings. This was definitely not conventional but I just don’t know. I wouldn’t be quick to recommend it but I also think that you might like it. See? I have no idea 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. i love hearing you talk about how much you love Truthwitch, because i’m reading the first one right now and i really love it so far????? I’M LOVING FANTASY & IT’S A MIRACLE. but the friendships are v strong which i appreciate deeply & i’m so happy to whoosh into your fandom sdlkfj

    + oh god the Emma Mills Experience was so great in 2018. my absolute favorite is This Adventure Ends &&&&&& WE ALMOST HAVE SMALL TOWN IN OUR LIVES AHHHHH

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am obsessed with that series and I love that my obsession with it is spreading and IF YOU END UP LOVING IT I WILL DIE, PLEASE LOVE IT so we can freak out together!! 💚💚💚


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