
The Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag

A huge thanks to Zuky @ Book Bum for tagging me in this tag and all the others, because I really love tags and Zuky always does fun ones! And you should check her lovely blog out right now!


What is your most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?

I feel like I have a tone of inexpensive books. I have a lot of completely free e-books on my Kindle, but I also have some used books. I really like getting used books, even more so if there is some kind of writing in them, I think it’s really fun. My favorite one is probably an old copy of Jacques Prévert’s poetry collection. He is a French poet and I really like his stuff, so you can check his poetry out.

Image result for percy jackson's greek gods coverThe most expensive book I own (that wasn’t a gift) is probably my copy of Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods. I love Greek Mythology and I love Percy Jackson, and this book combines the two in a stunning edition and with absolutely gorgeous illustration. Side note: I do not like to spend a tone of money on books, at least not a single book.


What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

I recently spoke about this, but I have a total love-hate relationship with Ellen Hopkins. She writes novels in verse, and I read her Crank series a while back and LOVED it. It deals with a girl who battles addiction, and I really loved how it was written and I loved the story. However, then I read Impulse by her, and I detested it. One of the worst mental health representations I have ever read. I found it atrocious. And now I am weary of picking up anything else by her.


What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?


What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?

Image result for red seas under red skies Image result for the way of kings

These are mostly my big fantasy books. Like Red Seas under Red Skies by Scott Lynch. Loved the first, never can push myself to start the second, just because it’s chunky. Same goes for The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. Would love to get to it, it’s just like 1000 pages and I just can’t get myself to start it, even though I know that I will love it instantly.


What book do you talk about in order to sound like an intelligent reader?

I don’t really do this. I think that this hyper intelectualization of reading and books is really boring. I don’t think that anyone’s reading experience is less valuable because they are not reading a book that is considered intellectual. Although, I sort of get what this question is trying to do (kind of). I like classics a lot. I adore Dostoyevsky and Bulgakov and I love talking to people about those books because not a lot of people have read them. I like discussing non fiction because I feel like it opens up a lot of different “intelligent” topics. So I guess those books?


What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?

I like intelligent and independent heroines, who are quiet and reserved on the surface. I like when a female character is capable, and aware of her shortcomings and virtues and when she takes the lead. I like a spunky heroine. Like Nina from Six of Crows. One of my fave female characters. I also really like flawed female characters and evil ones, I think they are so much fun.

Image result for ronan lynchI like the same characteristics in a male character as well. I like when they are intelligent and independent and reserved on the surface but actually deeply caring and passionate. I also tend to like kind of angry characters, who are mostly angry at themselves and they don’t know why or how to channel it. Why yes, I am talking about Ronan Lynch. Here’s a picture for your enjoyment.


What book would you like to receive as a gift?

Image result for the bone clocks

I’d take any book really, but I really wish someone would get me The House of Leaves, because I really want to read it but I can never justify splurging on it. Or just someone get me The Bone Clocks already.

And there is The Seven Deadly Sins tag! As always, I had fun and I mentioned The Bone Clocks and The Raven Cycle at least once, so I am all set. Again thank you to Zuky for tagging me.

As for me, I tag:

Originally Lexy

Bionic Bookworm

Mikaela @ The Well-Thumbed Reader

Marie @ The KookBookery 

If you do end up doing this, pingback to me so I can read your answers!


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