
August 2018 Favorites

Another month, another favorites post.

I am honestly scared by how fast this year is going by. I am also scared by the fact that studying has crept back up on me, and I have zero free time again. But let’s talk some positive things and let’s talk favorites.

Favorite Book

Image result for the psychology of time travelThis has been an all-around crappy reading year and this month was no different. Mediocre-ness everywhere. Although, I did read a book I really loved this month and that’s a success! Book of the month goes to The Psychology of Time Travel. This book really surprised me, in a good way. It’s a great mix of sci fi, mystery and feminism and I really enjoyed it and would highly recommend it. If you would like to know more of my thoughts, you can find them here. I also really enjoyed Dr Strange Beard (which is a romance, and that says a lot about my reading month) and I have a full series review for that over here. Good stuff.

Favorite Movie

Image result for to all the boys i loved beforeOf course it’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. Of course it is. I absolutely loved this movie. It was beyond cute, beyond heartwarming and Noah Centineo and Lana Condor are treasures. Especially Noah. Moreover, this is the Netflix teen rom com WE DESERVED. None of that The Kissing Booth or god forbid Insatiable things. We need all Netflix teen movies/tv shows to be like TATBILB. And now I am gonna go rewatch and you should too, my friends.


Favorite TV Shows

Image result for orange is the new blackI have finally watched the sixth season of Orange is the New Black and I loved it. This show has been consistently good to me. I tend to dislike certain seasons as the show goes on, but I have seriously enjoyed all of the seasons. I adore the characters (except Piper, who is incredibly annoying but I think that’s on purpose) and I just always enjoy the plot a lot. So it was great. Moreover, the show keeps doing a lot of amazing things and I really love it. You should definitely watch it. ALSO, I started watching MTV’s The Challenge again and it’s so trashy I love and live for it. Tell me I am not alone in this.

Favorite Music

augustmusicLiam Payne’s EP First Time is honestly such an all-around bop. I love all four of the songs, and I have listened to it so many times it’s embarrassing. Fall Out Boy has new music out as well and I love them. ALSO, Sweetener. We love and we stan. OH and my faves, The 1975 have a new song out and it sounds like their old stuff and I am in love. It’s been a great month for music.

Favorite Post

I think this has been my best month for views, likes, comments and blogging in general, so thank you all for that so much. I think my favorite post of the month was either my Sansa Stark reading list or my Book vs Movie Battle for To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. I am really proud of those two posts.

As for other people’s content, I will refer you first and foremost to my Favorite Bloggers post as a forever recommendation, but as for individual posts, here are some great ones (there’s a lot this month, because you’re all too good at this):

And that’s it for favorites this month! Crappy reading, great otherwise. Also, September is going to be a hell fire so at least this was awesome. Tell me all about your August favorites in the comments!


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26 thoughts on “August 2018 Favorites

  1. Oh no, why so much mediocre-ness, you may have to reevaluate basing your book reading on covers 🤔😂 Maybe, you should read some crime 😏 If I remember correctly you have a copy of The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi, I’m reading it this month, if you have time for a buddy read?

    I love OITNB, although I’m a season behind! I’m so behind in my reading but that’s nothing compared to how behind I am with TV shows 🙈

    And thank you for the review shoutout 🖤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would rather die than abandon my cover based book choosing process 😂 Actually, YES, that would be awesome, since I am never gonna read that one otherwise 😂 I feel ya, I start and abandon so many shows, it’s unreal. Of course! 💙

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 😂😂 okay, read your mediocre books and seek comfort in the fact that you have the prettiest of all the bookcases! Cool, I’ve got a few blog tours to read for, then i’ll hit you up on insta for the buddy read!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Awh, thank you for the shoutout, my love! You are always the sweetest and I’m forever thankful for you! Also… adding The Psychology of Time Travel to my TBR… NOW! Happy September and happy reading, love! 💖xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course! I think not reading the book will only make your experience better, but I am not sure about the not liking rom coms part. It gets cliche at times, but it’s beautifully shot and so cute and charming. And I know a lot of people who hate rom coms who liked it. So I think you should try it out 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ok that’s fair! There are a handful of rom coms I don’t mind… I just find the formula so grating, but some are definitely cute enough to transcend that. I’ll give it a shot!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for the shout out love! I really appreciate it ❤ I'm sorry your reading experience hasn't been that great this year – it sucks when that happens. Mines more finding the time to read…it's been BRUTAL! I finally had sometime in August and I will hopefully have more now that I'm all moved into my condo (*YES!!!!!!*). The Psychology of Time Travel looks really fascinating…I read your review when you first published it and have been debating on whether I want to give it a go or not.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I honestly thought that To All the Boys would turn out to be fluff, but I’m so excited to hear the positive reviews on it. I’ve been craving a good teen rom-com for a while, so I’m definitely checking it out when I get the time. (Also, I’ve heard the Kissing Booth is atrocious from my friends, so I chuckled when you mentioned it here.)

    Congrats on the blogging boost btw! To be honest, I’m a tad surprised that you don’t get as many followers as some other blogs considering you publish more thoughtful/quality content than them (no shade to them though of course), so I’m happy to hear your stats are booming. 🙂 Cheers to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is still fluff, but the good kind 😁 Lol The Kissing Booth is awful and we want none of that.

      Thank you! To be honest, I used to get really frustrated by how fast some other people have grown as opposed to my blog, but somewhere along the way I definitely stopped paying attention to that. And the stats are looking well, so there’s that 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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